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My name is Damien and I'm a Singapore based photographer and teacher. I enjoy observing and documenting moments. The big occasions and the important quiet moments that connects memories to emotions and settings to narratives. The joy of photography is representing those unseen or missed, moments, peoples or feelings. It is also a fun, tactile and sensorial experience for me. An opportunity to play in the same way I did as a musician. The interplay between the discipline and planning of Classical music and the freeform enjoyment and 'in the moment' presence of Jazz. This site is about interaction, Street and life. Those thematic moments of being there (found on my blog posts) and those single individual moments (that form my photoblog). My longer form more works can be found on my other site here. Enjoy Daylight Reader!


 If you are interested in collaborating or creating memories, please don't hesitate to get in touch

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